
Friday 22 December 2017

Horoscope for friday Dec. 22nd, 2017.


 Horoscope for friday Dec. 22nd, 2017.





March 21 to April 20

Your challenge is to schedule your time between friends and family so they all feel they really matter.

If you are in love, let your heart lead, not others’ opinions.

Single? It could be “jingle all the way” with a special Leo you are about to meet.

Your best source of family luck is a lottery ticket waiting to be checked.


April 21 to May 21

It may start as a Christmas chat but a work conversation today is turbo-charged with passion.

If you are already attached, the less you ask about a mystery task, the bigger success it will turn out to be.

Your travel zone has some surprise invitations bubbling under.

The clue is a place name starting with D.


News update: US urges UN to punish Iran, but Russia says no to sanctions




May 22 to June 21

If you have been thinking about giving up some time to help a good cause, today is the day.

There is a chance to be selfish too and claim the time alone a partner owes you.

The payback will be passionate! You are in demand at a party and don’t discount a rerun of past romances . . . this time with a happy ending.


June 22 to July 22

Tinsel shimmers around a message you can’t miss – and you won’t want to once you realise what it means.

Now is the time to let your fun side shine through.

The extent your special someone seems prepared to change for the sake of love will mean so much.

Single? A Pisces transforms that in a heartbeat.

 Fish sex is so loud that it can deafen dolphins



July 23 to August 23

A strongly family-centred day, with fresh chances for distant names to come closer.

A task that is usually shared at this time of year can mark a moment of two-way understanding.

Your zone of creativity is switched on and you can inspire people to buy what you build.

If you are single, a medic may be The One.


August 24 to September 22

As your mentor planet Mercury prepares to move forward, the most unexpected people get in touch.

Work-wise, one more try green-lights a project – then you can get in the festive mood.

Single? The initial K is a key love clue.

If you are settled, you ask two questions that help a relationship fulfil its potential.



September 23 to October 23

The moon is in the winning sector of your chart so keep a lottery ticket in a safe place.

Work opportunities get more exciting, especially if you want to set up a business.

Developments in a relationship lead to the choosing of a second precious ring.

Single? Your most intuitive friend makes the introductions.


Harley warned that the US would be “taking names” of those opposingits decision.



October 24 to November 22

Feelings are in agreement and you are sure about who you love and who loves you.

You feel close even if you are on different continents.

People see you as strong but very good company.

What starts as a chat during a lunch break can accelerate your progress at work.

An unusual key opens a lucky new door.


November 23 to December 21

You can look at relationships in a logical way and make good choices, surprising everyone with how calm and smart your thought processes and conversations can be.

Later, passion will take over and when you see that ever-so-serious colleague out having wild fun, love sparks will fly.


December 22 to January 20

A bond between the sun and Saturn transforms your festive routines.

Tasks that start off as dull turn into flirty fun.

As you start to understand your deepest dreams, you meet the person who could help you fulfil them.

In a long-term relationship? Wrapping gifts together leads to the sharing of secrets.


January 21 to February 18

An event, message or call is ready to reawaken your ambitions. Joining a go-ahead group proves to be so rewarding.

As for romance, Venus dares you to trust in love again and be a best friend as well as a partner.

Still looking? A card that arrives in a silver envelope could identify new love.


February 19 to March 20

Your love life changes as you discover a partner is smarter than you thought.

Clever ideas can transform life together.

 Horoscope for friday Dec. 22nd, 2017.




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